Problem to solve
Clean all shortcuts on the all users desktop (because users cannot delete them) and also remove unwanted shortcuts from the Start menu such as "Uninstall"-shortcuts.I run this on our student computers in computer rooms where the Onedrive client cannot be used, instead we mount Onedrive as a mapped folder instead using OneDriveMapper.
We also want to remove unnecessary shortcuts for Java & Silverlight.
Description of the script
The script is based on several functions that could be used to remove files and folers other than the desktop and start menu shortcuts.
Remove-UnwantedFolders - Remove folders in a path
Remove-UnwantedFiles - Remove files in a path
Remove-UninstallLinks - Searches for and removes any shortcuts that begins with "Uninstall" in a path
Remove-EmptyFolders - Removes any empty folders in a path
Remove-FiletypeFromFolder - Removes all files of defined type from a path
Read the script comments for more details.
Change the files/folders/file types in the end of the script to adapt to your needs.
The script
=== SCRIPT Cleanup-Desktop_and_StartMenu.ps1 BEGINS ===
# David Djerf 2017-05-11
Function Remove-UnwantedFolders {
Removes unwanted folders in a path
Will remove one or more folders from a path, for example use this to remove unwanted folders in the start menu.
davpe67 2017-02-18
Define a path where script should seach recursive for the folders to remove
For example: "C:\" or "$ENV:Temp"
.PARAMETER SearchStartMenu
Will Set Workfolder to "$ENV:Programdata\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu"
.PARAMETER UnwantedFolders
Specify one or more folders you want to remove.
For example: "Java","Silverlight"
Remove-UnwantedFolders -SearchStartMenu -UnwantedFolders "Java","Unique Admin Generator" -WhatIf
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="WorkFolder", Position=0, HelpMessage='Specify folder(s) serch in: ["C:\path\to\folders"]')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="SearchStartMenu", Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage='Specify folder(s) to remove: ["Folder1","Folder"]')]
Write-Verbose "Begin..."
IF ($SearchStartMenu) {
Write-Verbose "`$IsAdmin is $IsAdmin"
IF ($IsAdmin -like $false) { Write-Error "Script need to run as administrator" ; Break }
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path $("$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu")
} ELSE {
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path "$WorkFolder"
} # End of IF ELSE
Write-Verbose "`$WorkFolder=`"$WorkFolder`""
Write-Verbose "`$UnwantedFolders=`"$UnwantedFolders`""
} # End of Begin
# Remove Unwanted Folders in Start Menu
IF ($UnwantedFolders -and $WorkFolder) { # Only run if not empty
Write-Verbose "Processing..."
IF ($UnwantedFolders) {
ForEach ($UnwantedFolder in $UnwantedFolders) {
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $WorkFolder -Directory | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$UnwantedFolder" } | Resolve-Path | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} # End of ForEach
} # End of IF
} # End of IF
} # End of Process
} # End of function Remove-UnwantedFolders
Function Remove-UnwantedFiles {
Removes unwanted files in a path
Will remove one or more files from a path, for example use this to remove unwanted files in the start menu.
davpe67 2017-03-03
Define a path where script should seach recursive for the folders to remove
For example: "C:\" or "$ENV:Temp"
.PARAMETER SearchStartMenu
Will Set Workfolder to "$ENV:Programdata\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu"
.PARAMETER UnwantedFiles
Specify one or more folders you want to remove.
For example: "Onedrive","Onedrive for Business"
Remove-UnwantedFiles -SearchStartMenu -UnwantedFiles "Onedrive","Onedrive for Business" -WhatIf
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="WorkFolder", Position=0, HelpMessage='Specify folder(s) serch in: ["C:\path\to\folders"]')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="SearchStartMenu", Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage='Specify files(s) to remove: ["File1","File"]')]
Write-Verbose "Begin..."
IF ($SearchStartMenu) {
Write-Verbose "`$IsAdmin is $IsAdmin"
IF ($IsAdmin -like $false) { Write-Error "Script need to run as administrator" ; Break }
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path $("$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu")
} ELSE {
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path "$WorkFolder"
} # End of IF ELSE
Write-Verbose "`$WorkFolder=`"$WorkFolder`""
Write-Verbose "`$UnwantedFiles=`"$UnwantedFiles`""
} # End of Begin
# Remove Unwanted Folders in Start Menu
IF ($UnwantedFiles -and $WorkFolder) { # Only run if not empty
Write-Verbose "Processing..."
IF ($UnwantedFiles) {
ForEach ($UnwantedFile in $UnwantedFiles) {
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $WorkFolder -File | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$UnwantedFile" } | Resolve-Path | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} # End of ForEach
} # End of IF
} # End of IF
} # End of Process
} # End of function Remove-UnwantedFiles
function Test-Admin {
Test if script is run as administrator
Use to check if script is run with administrator privilegues or not.
Will return true or false.
Downloaded from:
$wid = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$prp = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($wid)
$adm = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator
Function Remove-UninstallLinks {
Removes unwanted Uninstall links in a path
Will remove links that begin with "uninstall" from a path,
for example use this to remove unwanted uninstall-links in the start menu.
davpe67 2017-02-18
Define a path where script should seach recursive for the folders to remove
For example: "C:\" or "$ENV:Temp"
.PARAMETER SearchStartMenu
Will Set Workfolder to "$ENV:Programdata\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu"
Remove-UnwantedFolders -SearchStartMenu -WhatIf
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="WorkFolder", Position=0, HelpMessage='Specify folder(s) serch in: ["C:\path\to\folders"]')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="SearchStartMenu", Position=0)]
Write-Verbose "Begin..."
IF ($SearchStartMenu) {
Write-Verbose "`$IsAdmin is $IsAdmin"
IF ($IsAdmin -like $false) { Write-Error "Script need to run as administrator" ; Break }
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path $("$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu")
} ELSE {
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path "$WorkFolder"
} # End of IF ELSE
Write-Verbose "`$WorkFolder=`"$WorkFolder`""
} # End of Begin
Write-Verbose "Processing..."
# Remove all Uninstall-links
$UninstallLinks=Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $WorkFolder -File "*.lnk" | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "Uninstall*" } | Resolve-Path
$UninstallLinks | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose "Removing `"$_`""
Remove-Item "$_" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} # End of Process
} # End of Remove-UninstallLinks
Function Remove-EmptyFolders {
Removes empty folders in a path.
Will remove empty folders in a path.
Script will loop x times to ensure folders that became empty, default number is 10.
davpe67 2017-02-18
Define a path where script should seach recursive for the folders to remove
For example: "C:\" or "$ENV:Temp"
.PARAMETER SearchStartMenu
Will Set Workfolder to "$ENV:Programdata\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu"
.PARAMETER KeepFolders
Will not remove folders with these names.
For example: "StartUp","Maintenance"
.PARAMETER Looptimes
Script will loop this many times to remove new empty folders from previous runs.
Remove-EmptyFolders -SearchStartMenu -Looptimes 10 -WhatIf
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="WorkFolder", Position=0, HelpMessage='Specify folder(s) serch in: ["C:\path\to\folders"]')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="SearchStartMenu", Position=0)]
Write-Verbose "Begin..."
IF (!$Looptimes) { $Looptimes=10 }
IF ($SearchStartMenu) {
Write-Verbose "`$IsAdmin is $IsAdmin"
IF ($IsAdmin -like $false) { Write-Error "Script need to run as administrator" ; Break }
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path $("$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu")
} ELSE {
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path "$WorkFolder"
} # End of IF ELSE
Write-Verbose "`$WorkFolder=`"$WorkFolder`""
} # End of Begin
Write-Verbose "Processing..."
# Remove all folders with no links
do {
Write-Verbose "Loop number $LoopCounter of $Looptimes"
$EmptyFolders = Get-ChildItem $WorkFolder -Directory -Recurse -Force -Exclude $KeepFolders | Where-Object { (Get-ChildItem $_.fullName).count -eq 0 } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
$EmptyFolders | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "Removing `"$_`"" }
$EmptyFolders | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item "$_" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Continue }
} while ($EmptyFolders.count -gt 0 -and $LoopCounter -le $Looptimes)
} # End of Process
} # End of Remove-EmptyFolders
Function Remove-FiletypeFromFolder {
Removes files of defined type in a path
Will remove all files of defined file type in a path and subfolders,
could be used to remove all links from the common desktop.
Use the -whatif to see what files that will be removed.
davpe67 2017-02-25
davpe67 2017-05-11 Added support for exclution of files
Define a path where script should seach recursive for the folders to remove
For example: "C:\" or "$ENV:Temp"
.PARAMETER SearchStartMenu
Will Set Workfolder to "$ENV:Programdata\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu"
.PARAMETER SearchPublicDesktop
Will Set Workfolder to "$ENV:PUBLIC\Desktop"
Define files that should not be deleted
Remove-FiletypeFromFolder -SearchPublicDesktop -FileTypes ".lnk" -WhatIf
Remove-FiletypeFromFolder -SearchPublicDesktop -FileTypes ".lnk","*.tmp" -Verbose
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="WorkFolder", Position=0, HelpMessage='Specify folder(s) serch in: ["C:\path\to\folders"]')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="SearchStartMenu", Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="SearchPublicDesktop", Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage='Specify filetypes to search for: [".lnk",".tmp"]')]
Write-Verbose "Begin..."
Write-Verbose "`$IsAdmin is $IsAdmin"
IF ($SearchStartMenu) {
IF ($IsAdmin -like $false) { Write-Error "Script need to run as administrator" ; Break }
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path $("$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu")
} ELSEIF ($SearchPublicDesktop) {
IF ($IsAdmin -like $false) { Write-Error "Script need to run as administrator" ; Break }
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path $("$ENV:PUBLIC\Desktop")
} ELSE {
$WorkFolder = Resolve-Path "$WorkFolder"
} # End of IF ELSE
Write-Verbose "`$WorkFolder=`"$WorkFolder`""
} # End of Begin
Write-Verbose "Processing..."
# Search and remove
foreach ($FileType in $FileTypes) {
$FilesToRemove=Get-ChildItem $WorkFolder -Force -Exclude $KeepFiles | Resolve-Path
$FilesToRemove | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose "Removing `"$_`""
Remove-Item "$_" -Recurse -Force
} # End of foreach
} # End of Process
} # End of Remove-FiletypeFromFolder
Remove-FiletypeFromFolder -SearchPublicDesktop -FileTypes "*.lnk" -KeepFiles "Mount Onedrive for Business.lnk"
Remove-UnwantedFolders -SearchStartMenu -UnwantedFolders "Java","Microsoft Silverlight"
Remove-UnwantedFiles -SearchStartMenu -UnwantedFiles "Onedrive*.lnk"
Remove-UninstallLinks -SearchStartMenu
Remove-EmptyFolders -SearchStartMenu -KeepFolders "StartUp","Maintenance"
=== SCRIPT Cleanup-Desktop_and_StartMenu.ps1 ENDS ===
How it runs
The script is run by a scheduled task that triggers on computer startup, user logon, and every hour and on the creation of the scheduled job. This is to make sure that any shortcuts that may have been added by software installation have been removed.