
Add/remove features and patches/language packs to offline Windows 10 WIM from ISO file with Powershell

I could not find a script that mounts an official MS Windows 10 ISO, adds .NET 3.5 and patches automatically. So.. I made one myself.

Please share any improvements and run at your own risk! 

Mount an ISO, enable and or disable features and patches to WIM and save.
Mount ISO, copy install.wim, mount the file and enable/disable Windows features and patches, and save the changes.
David Djerf, 2017-10-11 - First version that only adds .NET 3.5
David Djerf, 2017-10-13 - Added automatic mounted drive letter detection, made it possible to add and remove custom Windows features, and patches.
David Djerf, 2017-10-16 - Added support for patchfolders
David Djerf, 2017-12-01 - Added export index to new file
David Djerf, 2017-12-08 - Fixed Verbose message for patches not writing name of patches
    David Djerf, 2018-04-03 - Added detection for WIM or ESD install-file.

Full path to Windows 10 ISO file
Index number to modify, eg. 1
You can list the index using the DISM command: dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:<PATH_TO_WIM>
Will default to install_modified.wim if not specified.
Folder where the magic happens...
If not specified C:\WorkFolder will be used
Full path to windows patches in cab or msu format, multiple files accepted if comma separated.
eg. "c:\patches\KB12345.msu","c:\patches\KB654321.msu"
.PARAMETER Patchfolder
Path to a folder containing windows patches in cab or msu format. All patches will be applied.
eg. c:\patches
Add Windows features based on their proper "Featurenames"
.PARAMETER WIMRemoveFeatures
Remove Windows features based on their proper "Featurenames" (get features with Dism /Image:C:\workfolder /Get-Features)
.PARAMETER ExportIndexFile
Will export the define index to a new file, provide the full file path.
Add -Verbose to get information about what step the script is running.
modify-windows_wim.ps1 -ISOfile C:\Users\admin\Downloads\SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_Ent_Edu_N_10_1709_64BIT_English_MLF_X21-50143.ISO -WIMIndex 1 -Workfolder C:\mountfolder -NewFileName my_new_install.wim -WIMAddFeatures "NetFx3" -WIMRemoveFeatures "SMB1Protocol" -Patches "C:\Patches\KB123456.msu","C:\Patches\KB654321.msu" -Verbose
modify-windows_wim.ps1 -ISOfile C:\Users\admin\Downloads\SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_Ent_Edu_N_10_1709_64BIT_English_MLF_X21-50143.ISO -WIMIndex 1 -Workfolder C:\mountfolder -NewFileName my_new_install.wim -WIMAddFeatures "NetFx3" -WIMRemoveFeatures "SMB1Protocol" -Patchfolder "C:\Patches" -Verbose

#Requires -Version 4.0
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator


IF (!$WorkFolder) { 
$WorkFolder = "C:\WorkFolder"
} # End of IF
IF (!$NewFileName) { 
$NewFileName = "install_modified.wim"
} # End of IF

# Make sure patchfolder is readable
IF ($Patchfolder) {
IF (Test-Path -path "$Patchfolder") {
Write-Verbose "'$Patchfolder' could be read"
} else { Write-Verbose "'$Patchfolder' could not be read, aborting!"
Write-Verbose "Make sure you the path is correct and can be read."
} # End of IF

# Mount ISO if exist
IF (Test-Path -path "$ISOfile") {
Write-Verbose "'$ISOfile' could be read, Mounting ISO to $MountDrive"
$MountDrive=(Mount-Diskimage $ISOfile -PassThru | Get-Volume).DriveLetter+":"
} else { Write-Verbose "'$ISOfile' could not be read, aborting!"
Write-Verbose "Make sure you the path is correct and can be read."
} # End of IF

# Failsafe, make sure wim or esd exists
IF (Test-Path -path "$MountDrive\Sources\install.wim") {
Write-Verbose "'$MountDrive\Sources\install.wim' exists, engage!"
} elseif (Test-Path -path "$MountDrive\Sources\install.esd") {
Write-Verbose "'$MountDrive\Sources\install.esd' exists, engage!"
} else { 
Write-Verbose "'$MountDrive\Sources\install.wim' or '$MountDrive\Sources\install.esd' does not exist, aborting!"
Write-Verbose "Make sure you specified the correct drive letter for the new virtual drive."
Dismount-Diskimage $ISOfile
} # End of IF

    # Copy install-file to newfile in temp folder (to make sure the file is not on a network share that may be disconnected)
IF (Test-Path -path "$ENV:TEMP\$NewFileName") {
Write-Verbose "$NewFileName exists, make it writable"
Set-ItemProperty "$ENV:TEMP\$NewFileName" -name IsReadOnly -value $false
} else {
Write-Verbose "Copy $InstallFile to %TEMP%\$NewFileName"
Copy-Item $InstallFile -Destination "$ENV:TEMP\$NewFileName" -force
Write-Verbose "Make $NewFileName writable"
Set-ItemProperty "$ENV:TEMP\$NewFileName" -name IsReadOnly -value $false
} # End of IF

# Make sure $Workfolder exists and is empty
IF (Test-Path -path "$WorkFolder") {
Write-Verbose "$WorkFolder exists, discarding content"
Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $WorkFolder -Discard
Write-Verbose "$WorkFolder exists, removing folder"
Remove-Item -Recurse $WorkFolder -force
Write-Verbose "Create $WorkFolder"
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $WorkFolder -force | Out-Null
} else {
Write-Verbose "Create $WorkFolder"
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $WorkFolder -force | Out-Null
} # End of IF
Write-Verbose "Mount $NewFileName to $WorkFolder"
Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath "$ENV:TEMP\$NewFileName" -Index $WIMIndex -Path $WorkFolder -Optimize
} # End of BEGIN

# Add Features if specified
IF ($WIMAddFeatures) { 
ForEach ($WIMAddFeature in $WIMAddFeatures) {
Write-Verbose "Adding $WIMAddFeature to $NewFileName"
dism /image:$WorkFolder /enable-feature /featurename:$WIMAddFeature /all /source:$MountDrive\sources\sxs
} # End of ForEach
} else {
Write-Verbose "No feature to add..."
}# End of IF

# Remove Features if specified
IF ($WIMRemoveFeatures) { 
ForEach ($WIMRemoveFeature in $WIMRemoveFeatures) {
Write-Verbose "Removing $WIMRemoveFeature to $NewFileName"
dism /image:$WorkFolder /disable-feature /featurename:$WIMRemoveFeature
} # End of ForEach
} else {
Write-Verbose "No feature to remove..."
}# End of IF

# Apply Windows patches if specified
IF ($Patches) {
ForEach ($Patch in $Patches) {
Write-Verbose "Applying $Patch to $NewFileName"
dism /Image:$WorkFolder /add-package /packagepath:$Patch
} # End of ForEach
} else {
Write-Verbose "No patch to apply..."
}# End of IF

IF ($Patchfolder) {
$Patches=Get-ChildItem $Patchfolder -Filter *.msu | % { $_.FullName }
ForEach ($Patch in $Patches) {
Write-Verbose "Applying $Patch to $NewFileName"
dism /Image:$WorkFolder /add-package /packagepath:$Patch
} # End of ForEach
} else {
Write-Verbose "No patch to apply..."
}# End of IF
} #End of Process

Write-Verbose "Dismount ISO"
Dismount-Diskimage $ISOfile
Write-Verbose "Saving changes to $ENV:TEMP\$NewFileName"
Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $WorkFolder -Save -CheckIntegrity
IF ($ExportIndexFile) {
Write-Verbose "Exporting Index $WIMIndex to $ExportIndexFile"
Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath "$ENV:TEMP\$NewFileName" -SourceIndex $WIMIndex -DestinationImagePath $ExportIndexFile
} # End of if
Write-Verbose "Removing $WorkFolder"
Remove-Item -Recurse $WorkFolder -force
Write-Verbose "Finished saving $ENV:TEMP\$NewFileName"
Write-Verbose "You can now test your new file!"
}# End of End
#=== SCRIPT ENDS ===