
UE-V Template - Microsoft Windows Ease of Access Settings

This template came from Windows 10 1607 - Djerf
I removed all localized names and set name and ID to my name standard.

You can now find this template in my GIThub repository

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Modifying the settings location templates for an application or a 
Windows setting group provided with Microsoft User Experience Virtualization 
may cause synchronization for the modified settings to fail. 
For more information about settings location templates please see 
the UE-V product documentation.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=260889
<SettingsLocationTemplate xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/UserExperienceVirtualization/2013/SettingsLocationTemplate'>
 <!-- Accessibility settings (as defined by the Win32 SystemParameterInfo function) -->
 <Name>Microsoft - Windows - Ease of Access Settings</Name>
  <Name>Common Settings</Name>
    <Path Recursive="false" DeleteIfNotFound="true">Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Accessibility</Path>
    <Path Recursive="true">Software\Microsoft\Narrator</Path>
    <Path Recursive="true">Software\Microsoft\ScreenMagnifier</Path>
    <Path Recursive="true">Software\Microsoft\Osk</Path>